AANLCP Newsletter Advertising

Welcome and thank you for your interest in advertising in AANLCP’s Newsletter. An advertisement in the AANLCP Monthly Newsletter offers a unique opportunity for international exposure to a highly targeted audience. The newsletter is distributed to members of the American Association of Nurse Life Care Planners, a professional organization made up of  Life Care Panning professionals and other parties who have expressed information.  Placing an ad in the newsletter allows you to reach a specific group of individuals who are experts in the field and have a vested interest in the products or services you offer. It’s a great way to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and ultimately drive sales. Overall, advertising in the AANLCP Monthly Newsletter is a valuable investment for any company looking to connect with a highly qualified and engaged audience.

Advertising Specifications
Full Page: 7.5″ x 10″
Half Page: 7.5″ x 5″
Quarter Page: 7.5″ x 10″
Submission Policies
All advertising is submitted electronically and may include photos, art, and text. Your submission should be in high-resolution PDF or JPEG (300 dpi), and PDF format is preferred. AANLCP has the right to reject any advertising deemed in poor taste, libelous, or otherwise unacceptable.
Submission dates: Before the 15th of each month.
Quarter Page
Half Page
Full Page
One month/Single issue
6 months/6 editions
12 months/12 editions
Click on the prices in the pricing table to purchase ad space in our newsletter.